How to Fix Echo in Fortnite on Xbox: A Step-by-Step Guide

Experiencing echo while gaming can be a disruptive annoyance, especially during an intense match in Fortnite.

The echo can disrupt communications, affect in-game performance, and diminish the overall gaming experience. 

For Xbox gamers, this nuisance is solvable with some troubleshooting steps.

In this blog, we’ll address how Xbox players can fix echoing issues while playing Fortnite. After reading the blog post, you’ll be able to ensure clear audio and seamless communication with teammates.

Understanding the Echo Issue

Before tackling the problem, it’s essential to understand what causes an echo. 

Echoing often occurs when sound from the speakers is picked up by the microphone and retransmitted back into the game, causing a loop. It can also result from hardware issues or incorrect console settings.

Step 1: Check Your Headset Connection

Your headset connection is often the culprit of echoing sounds in Fortnite.

headphone with bluetooth symbol on left
  • Make sure your headset is securely plugged into the Xbox controller. A loose connection could cause feedback.
  •  If you’re using a wireless headset, ensure that it has been correctly paired to your Xbox. Consult the headset’s user manual for guidance on the pairing process.

Step 2: Adjust In-Game Audio Settings

Fortnite offers in-game audio settings that can impact whether you experience echo.

screenshot showing audio output device setting in fortnite
  • Navigate to the Fortnite settings menu.
  •  Open the ‘Audio’ tab.
  •  Verify that the ‘Voice Chat’ volume is not set too high; this can lead to echoing. Adjust the volume to be lower and check if this rectifies the issue.

Step 3: Xbox Console Settings

Xbox console settings can also contribute to echoing sounds.

  • Access the Xbox guide by pressing the Xbox button on your controller.
  •  Navigate to the ‘System’ tab (the gear icon) and select ‘Audio.’
  •  Here, ensure that the ‘Mic monitoring’ slider is not turned up too high. Mic monitoring allows you to hear your voice in the headset. If too loud, it could cause an echo. Adjust it until the echo diminishes.

Step 4: Update Your Controller and Headset Firmware

Out-of-date firmware can lead to several issues, including echo.

  • With your headset connected, press the Xbox button on your controller.
  •  Go to ‘System’ and select ‘Kinect & devices,’ then ‘Devices & accessories.’
  •  Select your controller, and if an update is available, choose ‘Update’ to proceed.

Perform a similar check for your headset if it supports firmware updates.

Step 5: Muting Other Players

Sometimes, the echo doesn’t come from your setup but from someone else’s in your party or game.

  • While in Fortnite, you can mute other players by accessing the in-game menu. Identify if muting specific players eliminates the echo.
  •  If muting all players except yourself stops the echo, you may need to communicate with your team to check their audio setups.

Step 6: Test Different Audio Equipment

Try using a different headset or controller to identify if the echo persists. 

If changing the hardware solves the problem, the issue may lie with your original equipment.

Step 7: Contact Xbox Support

If none of the above steps help, there may be an issue with your Xbox system or networking.

  • Reach out to Xbox support for further assistance.
  •  Follow any additional troubleshooting steps they provide.


Echoing can turn a fun game of Fortnite into a frustrating ordeal. But with these steps, you should be able to resolve the issue and return to a clear, echo-free audio experience. 

Regular maintenance, like updating firmware and checking connections, can also prevent future issues. 

Always remember, smooth communication can be the difference between victory and defeat in the battle royale.

Echo issues in Fortnite on Xbox are manageable through these self-help measures. But if, for any reason, problems persist, professional support from Xbox or the equipment manufacturer is necessary. 

Keep your communications crystal clear to enjoy your Fortnite adventures on Xbox fully!

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